The Council of Region Representatives (CORR) consist of members from the continental regions to assist in drafting statements released by UNAVSA in regards to current issues and events affecting the Vietnamese community domestically and abroad. While UNAVSA remains a non-political, non-partisan organization, the organization recognizes the importance for the education and awareness of Vietnamese youths’ voices. CORR also serves as the driving force behind the efforts of the Continental Agenda in which issues that are pressing for VSAs across the nation as voted through our regional caucus during conference are addressed and answered.




Sophia Trang

Sophia was a previous student of Loyola University of New Orleans. Her VSA experience includes:

  • UVSAGC M&D Cabinet Co-Chair: 2022-2023

  • LASO Vice President: 2021-2022

  • UVSAGC M&D Cabinet Member: 2021-202

  • LASO Freshman Representative: 2020-2021