Alumni Relations

The Alumni Relations Cabinet will be in charge of communication with UVSA Gulf Coast Alumni. Some initiatives pursued by the Alumni Relations cabinet is network management, development of the alumni directory, and fostering relationships between current VSA members and professionals in their relevant fields.


Tyler Tran

University of Mississippi


Community Outreach

The Community Outreach cabinet will be in charge of community service coordination and casual social events. Some initiatives pursued by the Community Outreach cabinet include Pandan Pals, Gulf Coast Olympics, and Gulf Coast Running. The cabinet execute events for the general body of VSA members within the region.

Kylie Nguyen

Cabinet Co-Chair

Mississippi State University


Kellie Dinh

Cabinet Co-Chair

Louisiana State University

Culinary Cabinet

The Culinary Cabinet takes charge of cooking and teaching cultural dishes to the local Gulf Coast community members. Members the Culinary Cabinet oversee the development and coordination of dishes for Gulf Coast events and programs. The Culinary Cabinet also leads our Culture Cooking Night programs throughout the Gulf Coast region.

Raffy Inthavong

Cabinet Co-Chair

University of Louisiana at Lafayette


Philong Phan

Cabinet Co-Chair

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Marketing & Design

The Marketing & Design Cabinet is in charge of our representation through social media by creating graphics that describe any upcoming events or any collaboration with other organizations.


Kayla Nguyen

Cabinet Chair

University of Southern Mississippi



The Media Cabinet is in charge of documenting UVSA Gulf Coast events through photography and videography, as well as producer promotional material for UVSA Gulf Coast.

Braydon Kongphongmany

Cabinet Co-Chair

University of Louisiana at Lafayette


Peter Nguyen

Cabinet Co-Chair

Louisiana State University