Andrew cao
Candidate for President
Desired Position: President
School: Louisiana State University
Classification: junior
Major: Chemical Engineering
Minor: Business administration
Why do you want to be on the Executive Board for UVSA Gulf Coast?
I think UVSAGC have been through some rough years! Id like to bring it back to the prime days when every school was active and everyone was joyful and FULL OF SPIRT. This community has given back to me and I havent come close to repaying my dos. (Cliche) BUT ITS THE TRUTH! I also think I can bring the passion and pride back to our region and get us fully active in UNASVA while keeping our inner school RUNNING!
What makes you a qualified candidate for this position?
I’ve taken up a handful of leadership positions and over the years I’ve learned a lot as a leader. I’ve taken every position as an opportunity to grow and learn from the piers around me. GC not only needs a capable leader, but a passionate one. I have always always kept a positive mentality, while pushing for new ideas and new limits. I’m also a realistic person and say things how they are. I think in order to truly grow we have to hear things we don’t want to hear.
What do you believe to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a leader? Please explain:
My greatest strengths would be my connections within the region and my prior leadership experiences. I also think I am hypercritical and can always find things to improve upon. For weaknesses, I can find myself to be unorganized and sometimes last minute. This can lead to the entire team being last minute and us looking forgetful.
What is your vision for this position, as well as for UVSA Gulf Coast?
I think my vision alone wouldn't be fair to the rest of the e-board. Its important that all our visions align so we all know what we’re working towards. My priorities would be towards the individual VSA’s in the region. Most of them are heavily struggling on member retention, and find their future leaders. Without the individual schools being strong UVSAGC will never be strong. The more members the 10 schools have the more active and support UVSAGC will have. I’d also like to see people have more pride for our region. We should be proud if the community we have, not shy and embarrassed that we are apart of it.
Vietnamese Student Association at Louisiana State University (VSA-LSU)
President, 2023-Current
External Vice President, 2022-2023
Freshman Representative, 2021-2022
Union of Vietnamese Student Associations of the Gulf Coast (UVSAGC)
Summit III Programming Committee Member, 2023-2024
Camp Delta
Logistics Director, 2023-Current (CD16)
Logistics Team Member, 2022-2023 (CD15)
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers at Louisiana State University (SASE-LSU)
Vice President, 2023-Current
Louisiana State University (LSU)
Student Researcher, Biological Engineering Dept., 2023-Current