Calvin Pham


Candidate for External Vice president


Desired Position: External Vice President

School: Xavier University of Louisiana

Classification: Alum

Major: Mechanical Engineering



Why do you want to be on the Executive Board for UVSA Gulf Coast?

I would like to empower the new generation of leaders as well as connect them to the VSA world and connection outside of the gulf coast region. I would like to build back up the leadership in the region that has been decaying due to COIVD as well as spark inspiration to be more active in VSA. Along with that, I would like to reconnect again with my region and community.

What makes you a qualified candidate for this position? 

I believe I am a qualified candidate for the following reasons:
- I have many years of leadership experience.
- I am connected with our neighbor regions (UVSA South)
- Time management skills
- Problem Solving skills
- Alumni connections
- Conflict Resolution skills
- Root Cause Analysis skills

What is your vision for this position, as well as for UVSA Gulf Coast?

My vision for this position is to connect other regions to the Gulf Coast, specifically the south. I believe leveraging the neighboring UVSA for support and insight will help strengthen UVSA GC's weaknesses such as:

- New Summit
- Out of region support
- Leadership retention
- Community Engagement

I would like to show the local region why VSA is important and the skills you can acquire that will be applied into professional/career settings. My vision with UVSA Gulf Coast is to restore interest in becoming active leaders in not only their VSA's but their careers.



Product Review Engineer, (2020-Present)

LSU Mechanical Senior Design

Team Lead, (2019-2020)

Union of North American Vietnamese Student Associations (UNAVSA)

IT Committee, (2016-2017) (UNAVSA-14)

IT Director, (2017-2018) (UNAVSA-15)

Xavier University of LA Vietnamese Association (XULAVA)
Freshmen Representative, (2014-2015)

Vice President, (2015-2016)

President, (2015-2017)