Richard Nguyen


Candidate for Internal Vice president


Desired Position: Internal Vice President

School: University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Classification: Junior

Major: Mechanical Engineer


General Questions

What is your strategy to promote and maintain leadership within the Gulf Coast through your position? 

Be positive and show professionalism in the work I do. Being the best role model for someone to look up too. I want people to be able to relate. I will be stern if I have to if any problem arises. I will do what needs to be done and provide assistance as best as I can.

Since our staff demographics consist of mostly college students, what are your techniques to ensure the prevention of burning out yourself, your E-Board, and the young leaders that you work alongside with?

Breaks, everyone needs a break every now and then. My idea is a social hangout to further improve our teamwork. Help us get to know each other better which leads to great communication skills. Just as in the workplace, getting along with a coworker will benefit everyone.

As a current ICC, you have spent nearly a year working with the IVP and other ICCs. What are one or more changes/improvements you would make as IVP in regards to your work with the ICC?

As of right now I do not see any changes needed to be done so far. ICC has run smoothly for my year with great leadership of a strong person. I would like to outperform my predecessor. 

How do you plan on getting all members of ICC involved during meetings?

Icebreakers, let people volunteer and speak their mind. I’ll choose someone to start the rally. Everyone should speak their part and will make sure if they have anything to say they can say it.

How are you with delegation and organization?

I am pretty good at delegation tasks I would say. I delegated tasks for skits, dances, and auctionees during my year on eboard. So as an example, I set up the schedule for the days where everyone is available to finish their duty. I did struggle with setting up for skits, but I was able to adapt and worked around everyone's schedule by only filming the scenes of the needed individual of the person on certain days.

Over the years, ICCs have been gaining more and more duties and responsibilities. Thus, making ICCs an important part of UVSAGC operations. How do you plan on instilling the importance and passion in their roles? 

Inform them about their position, they are the bridge of both vsas and UVSAGC. They are the creators of collaboration events and the face of their own VSAS. They are the one to represent and show how well their VSA are doing. It’s a fun and rewarding role.

If the selected CPP for the year was not an ideal foundation to donate money to among the ICCs, how would you compromise on raising funds for the CPP?

Allowing the VSA’s to donate to a different foundation for charity such as Messenger of Love, etc. I will let my ICC board have the freedom to choose and do what is right.