Vina Pham


Candidate for Treasurer


Desired Position: Treasurer

School: Louisiana State University

Classification: Junior

Major: Civil Engineering

General Questions

One of the duties of the Treasurer is to create a projected budget of the year. How do you plan to collect the necessary information to create an annual projected budget?

Of course, there’s the definite events such as Date Auction, Camp Delta, Summit, GCAs, and Leadership Retreat to which I would just reference past budgets then add a percentage for expected growth. Furthermore, I would assume that, as a board, we would discuss our goals for the year, including new events and actions or alterations to old ones. Based on the meetings, I would open the budget for the promising additions and/or changes, a relatively reasonable one if finances permit.

As a nonprofit, UVSA Gulf Coast must keep very detailed records of all purchases and deposits. What measures would you take to protect the assets of the organization (hence our nonprofit status) and also yourself?

Other than the obvious approach of frequent bank statement checking and coping and tracking receipts, if it isn’t already done, I would like the organization to apply for a business credit card and stray from using a debit card. Doing so would avoid direct effects to our assets and would not affect our 501(c)3 standing.

Consider this scenario: After going over treasury records, you find an unusual surplus/deficit of funds in the Gulf Coast bank account. How do you approach this?

With a surplus, I would check the bank statements and search for unrecorded deposits. With a deficit, however, I would look at the recent bank statements and verify appropriate transactions. If there was any that were unauthorized, I would contact anyone who has access to the account and question them about it. Assuming that the inquiry goes nowhere, I would then contact the bank and try to dispute the transaction. Alas, if it’s from a checking account, I know that it’s quite difficult to have the funds returned - that is why I am hoping UVSAGC stick to credit cards with all, if not most, transactions.

Are you familiar with any accounting software, data keeping software, or POS systems (for example, Excel, Quick Books, etc.)?

I would say I am most familiar with Google Sheets as I use it often for my personal budget and for bookkeeping SASE LSU’s transactions as their former Treasurer. 

How do you plan to engage treasurers within the Gulf Coast?
I hope to gain a comfortable relationship with the treasurers of the Gulf Coast - at least a monthly check-up with them. Who knows? It could be the start of a beautiful friend group.

How would you determine which events are financially feasible? How about which events are “worth” funding?

The financial “worth” of events should be based on their investment outcome - not in the financial aspect, but the communal one. As an organization, our goal is to spread our objectives to the community, usually done so by our events. If the event is expected to gain more members or to influence the future organization’s leaders, it should be at least considered for funding. Of course, if costs outweigh the impact, it may not be as feasible.

What do you believe would be your biggest challenge as Treasurer?

Gaining trust; it’s not necessarily a challenge for me as I have full confidence in my credibility and transparency. However, as I would be responsible for the literal financial weight of the organization, there is pressure, and could be valid concerns towards my loyalties. It is a challenge I plan to easily overcome.