Meet your 2020-2022 UVSA Gulf Coast Executive Board Candidates
President Candidates
Jenny Le’Dang
University of New Orleans
Hi! My name is Jenny Le'Dang, and I am the current candidate running for UVSA GC President 2020-2022. I am a proactive and creative leader who's goal is to improve the structure we already have and strengthen our region to become stronger. I know our region is filled with passion and motivated individuals, and I want our region to help support each other and create goals, projects, and programs which will help the region as a whole! I want people to look back the years they spend within VSA during my time as President and be proud of the work they've produced or the lessons they've learned. I am ready to lead our region into its next step to become better!
Internal Vice President Candidates
Mary Vu
Xavier University of Louisiana
My name is Mary Vu and I'm running for the role of UVSA Gulf Coast 2020-2022 Internal Vice President. Though I never realized I was going to be running for this position, I realized how incredible this organization is and the amazing people involved in it. I want to be able to continue that passion for this organization!
- About Me
I'm a Computer Science major and minoring in Public Health at Xavier University of Louisiana. I am also currently one of the ICC members alongside with the other amazing members across the region! - Goals I will implement as IVP: Better communication and physical support among the region. More projects focused on the Vietnamese community locally, not just within VSA. More involvement with local businesses and industries. Create a safe environment for everyone to express themselves truly and to their fullest.
- Why do you want to run for this position?
I believe I am best fit for IVP because I understand the importance of supporting a team full of different people, responsibilities, and ideologies. Having this connection allows me to communicate with members throughout the region and ensure the well-being of those who surround me.
- What VSA means to you?
VSA is such a strong community and the feeling of belonging and giving back is very prominent here. The love for the community is so strong and being able to support each other through thick and thin is what inspires me to stay here. Everyone inspires me so much that I want to be able to inspire others the same way.
Thank you for taking your time to read this and learn more about my platform for IVP. It truly means a lot to me and I hope you continue to follow through with this period. I would love for you to even reach out to hear more about what is to come! #MaryVuisHereForYou #IVPIsTheJobForMe
External Vice President Candidates
Sun Lee
Louisiana State University
Hello, friends! My name is Sun Lee, and I am running for the position of UVSA-GC External Vice President! So, a little bit about me: I’m a senior at LSU graduating in May, I have 2 cats, and did I mention that I’m Korean? You may be wondering why someone who’s not even Vietnamese wants to be part of the regional executive board for a Vietnamese Student Association, but I’m here to tell you why. Firstly, I simply love VSA and the people. There are all kinds of people to meet, and there’s always a spot for everyone. I want everyone to be able to feel welcome and have a really good time. Secondly, I have made several friends through VSA, and if you learn anything from hanging out with them, it’s definitely the language and food. Culture is a big part of VSA, and I hope to instill the sense of culture in the community. Whether it’s hosting and attending cultural events, learning the language, cooking the food, or even participating in the community, the tiniest bit of culture goes a long way. Lastly, I have held numerous leadership positions over my 4 years in VSA. They include serving on VSA-LSU’s executive board as Internal Vice President, serving as Family Programming Co-Director for Summit II, and held multiple positions on Camp Delta staff as a Counselor for CDXI and CDXII and Counselor Director for CDXIII. Through these experiences, I have learned many things while observing the way our region functions, such as how to work with groups of people and teaching lessons to others. I have seen many incredible leaders come and go, and I only see more and more potential in the next generation. I hope to continue GC’s growth and sprout members into leaders, especially those who might be doubtful or scared of VSA.
Angela Tran
University of New Orleans
howdy y’all! c(ˊᗜˋ*c) My name is Angela Tran (she/her/hers). I am currently a third year student at University of New Orleans focusing on Pre-Nursing, and I am the current UVSA Gulf Coast co-CORR. I love listening to asmr, watching mukbangs, recreating TikToks, and doing photography on my free time. I have a minor green tea allergy, so my boba options are limited 🤧 Oh! &I used to co-parent a turtle with my close friend Gabby Pham. Then I lost custody over her— I miss you Squirtle🥺 During my time as the Regional Representative for GC, I gained new perspectives and solutions on how to improve the region. The discussions the Council will have ranged from “how to maintain retention rate amongst non-Vietnamese members” to “what are some techniques used to combat lack of organic leadership?” I believe being CORR and participating in these discussions helped prepare me for the situations that will arise in our region.
During my time as the Regional Representative for GC, I gained new perspectives and solutions on how to improve the region. The discussions the Council will have ranged from “how to maintain retention rate amongst non-Vietnamese members” to “what are some techniques used to combat lack of organic leadership?” I believe being CORR and participating in these discussions helped prepare me for the situations that will arise in our region.
My vision for External Vice President is to highlight our regions pillars (Leadership, Philantrophy, and Community). I incorporate and emphasize Vietnamese culture more to be more in tune with our culture and share to others how amazing Vietnam is. VSA has served as a safe space, a second home, and given me many opportunities to grow as an individual and a leader. I want to set an example for others to encourage them to step out of their comfort zone and find their passion. Along with strengthening our region, I want UVSA GC to work with non-VSA oganizations like Glass Half Full (which recycles glass into sand to help with coastal protection and disaster relief) and an organization that does food recovery (which helps feed those in need).
Treasurer Candidates
Kiet Phung
Heyo My name is Kiet Phung and I’ve been a part of the GC Region for about 5 years now. I started off my VSA journey at University of New Orleans with UNOVASA, they were very welcoming and they help me want to contribute to VSA more! I’m running for the treasurer position for UVSA Gulf Coast because, it’s always been a dream of mine to become a leader within the region, I want to give back to the community and region with my ability to deal with finances and budgeting. Also owning a Boba shop, Dream House Cafe, helped me gain knowledge on running the numbers and budgets. I want to work together And be apart of the new UVSA Gulf Coast Board of 2020 - 2022, So that my “me” ability becomes “We” with the rest of the team! :) Please visit my candidacy page for more info about my VSA timeline and why I want to contribute to Gulf Coast!
Secretary Candidates
Gabrielle Pham
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Hi my name is Gabrielle Pham, and my social security is 438...what?? Not that info?? Stop typing like this is dialogue?? Just tell us about yourself?? Okay I guess. Anyways I’ll just skip to the important stuff. I started my journey at VSOUL and worked my way through there as an active member and became their Secretary for 2018-2019. I’m currently working my way through Camp Delta. I was on staff last year as Marketing & Design, and this year I’m going to be a Counselor. All my past experiences were fun, but I wanted to try a new challenge, by being UVSA GC Secretary!! Here’s some tidbits about myself to make sure we’re not strangers. For fun I like to look at my turtles and watch ASMR food videos during this corona time. I’m slowly learning how to cook. I don’t like running, but I still try to do it, because it's healthy-ish. Last but not least, dad jokes is how eye roll...haha!! Okay goodbye and thank you!!