Jenny Le’Dang

Candidate for President

Jennys Headshot - UVSA Gulf Coast.png

Desired Position: President

School: University of New Orleans

Classification: Alumni

Major: Computer Science





Why do you want to be on the Executive Board for UVSA Gulf Coast?

I want to be part of UVSA Gulf Coast's Executive Board because I want to influence others on how much opportunity and growth within VSA and help guide that discovery for our future leaders. I have so much passion and care for this community. I truly want to help others grow into better leader and help them learn more about themselves as we are all going through a time where we change and learn so much.

What makes you a qualified candidate for this position? 

What makes me a qualified candidate for this position is my ability to work with different types of people. I am highly adaptable to different types of people. When working with people, I pay strong attention to people's habits, and how they act throughout different problems and situations that arises. I take a mental note of how they react to understand how they think throughout a problem. Then, use these notes to lead a team into the best working direction for our current goal.

What is your vision for this position, as well as for UVSA Gulf Coast?

My vision is to build upon what we have and make it better. I want to try and start listening to the wants of each schools and see how we can help benefit our region more and make it feel more connected. I want to establish pillars for UVSA Gulf Coast to help guide and create goals for our region to accomplish. These pillars would be established after talking to each school seeing where their needs and wants lie. I want UVSA Gulf Coast to benefit the VSA community as a whole where those who join and commit are able to look back and be proud of the work they accomplished while in VSA.



Vietnamese-American Student Association (VASA), University of New Orleans

Senior Advisor, May 2018 – May 2020

  • Help advise the future generation of VASA with their future events. Also, informing them about how events were handled in the past.

  • Advise the president on how to guide their E-board and provide useful information.

  • Empowered and guided the eboard to become the new leaders in VSA.

External Vice President, May 2017 – May 2018

  • Act as liaison for the University of New Orleans and help plan intra-school and Intra-region activities and events that provide members in our region the opportunity to network with members from other organizations.

President, May 2016 – May 2017

  • Dedicated my time and patience to enlighten the UNO community of Vietnamese cultures and traditions.

  • Revived VSA back from the ground up. Being one of the only returning E-board members alongside Vivian Tong.

Camp Delta

Media Director, Nov 2019 – Present

  • Leading a team of 5 in order to capture moments of Camp Delta via photography and video

  • In charge of the completion of any promotional videos and/or pictures before and after Camp Delta in order to improve online presents

Media Member, Jan 2019 – Aug 2019

  • In charge of putting out video content for Camp Delta 12

  • Focus in video production such as: editing, shooting, and directing (selected videos)

Counselor, Jan 2017 – Aug 2017

  • In charge of a family of 10 attendees alongside co-counselor, Wendy Dang.

  • Guided and advise attendees during camp as well as outside of camp.

Attendee, 2016


Family Leader, Jan 2018 – July 2018

  • In charge of a family of 13 attendees.

  • Ensure attendees enjoyed the conference as well as interacting in most events offered at the conference.

  • Ensure to have family interactions prior to the conference and after.

Attendee, 2017


UNO Presidential Student Leadership Recognition, May 2017

  • Nominated as one of UNO’s top presidents among all organizations

UNAVSA Best VSA, May 2017

  • Among the top 3 VSA to be recognized as the best VSA within all VSAs in North America

UVSA Gulf Coast UNAVSA Scholarship, May 2017

  • Recognized by UVSA Gulf Coast as a strong leader where a ticket was provided to UNAVSA