University of New Orleans Vietnamese American Student Association


UNO VASA 2.png

Provide a detailed description of the event and the population it served. Details MUST include: date of event, number of participants, program purpose (goals, objectives, etc.), use of resources (finances, community support, etc.), and marketing techniques.

VASACAST should be a nominee for a new social event, mainly because it’s a unique interactive idea to see VSA in its entirety by having a conversation about it. With jumping into VSA, it is very confusing to understand what we do as an organization. So instead of presenting information about it, it is better to present a different form of presentation, by having a conversation about it. This allows new members to be able to discuss their experience and concerns about VSA through the eyes of people who are driven from VSA. Everyone has their own experience and story within VSA, being able to dive in the journey of everyone allows new members to understand their path from beginning to the present. New members will see what they can gain out of VSA, whether it’s professionalism, to friendships and more!


What inspired your organization to create this new event?

Christina wanted to provide an event to further discuss what VSA entails. It is really confusing starting out as a new member, so discussing it rathe than presenting it is more interactive and informative.


What efforts were used to motivate and involve the organization's members?

It is an open discussion platform. Those who couldn't make it could also provide input and be involved through our Livestream.


Did the organization overcome any challenges that arose while planning and implementing the event? How?

Overall, it went pretty well.The only problem was on UNO department's side itself. The podcast had to be cut short due to another class that was scheduled during the time we were there. There was nothing we could really do since it was the mistake of UNOBooking. But we discussed everything needed.