vietnamese student association at Louisiana state university


How did your organization excel in web presence and what strategies did you utilize in doing so?

VSA-LSU dominated its web presence this year through 5 platforms of social media: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, and our Website. Using Facebook, our most popular form of social media, we utilized it in order to keep general members up to date about our upcoming events, registrations, reminders, deadlines, or any changes that we would want to inform them about. We also use Facebook to set up event pages for our events or activities in order to send members an invitation to provide them with the details of any of our upcoming events. In addition to our Facebook page, we created a Connections Page in order for our general members to interact with one another through the web. They can meet new friends, meet up for friendly outings, or even just post about their daily life updates! Aside from Facebook, we have our second most popular form of social media through Instagram. Instagram is very similar to Facebook, where we mostly post about our upcoming events and announcements that we have for them. One difference though, is that we use Instagram stories to highlight key moments of our events and advertise activities such as Intramural games. We also use it to remind members about registrations and deadlines for Intramurals, applications, or volunteering opportunities! Snapchat is one of our more flexible platforms as it is used to show what’s happening in real time as well as advertise our upcoming events. It gives our members an in person experience if they are unable to come to the event. We use it to capture specific moments during our events, such as something funny, interactions with some of our members, and more. Youtube is the memory foundation of our organization. We use Youtube to post videos of our past events to make sure that we retain the memories we create each year for our general members to look back on. Lastly, our most important social media platform is our website. If there is anything that members want to know, the website will give them that information. It contains links to all our social media platforms if anyone doesn’t know how to get there. It is also where we post applications for things such as Intramural, Basketball Tournament, Executive Board running, and more. You can learn almost anything about VSA-LSU on our website and it is easily our most accessible form of social media, which is why it is the most significant compared to the rest.


Visit our social media outlets!




VSA-LSU Website