University of Southern Mississippi Vietnamese Student Association
Remember My Name 5k
Provide a detailed description of the event and the population it served. Details MUST include: date of event, number of participants, program purpose (goals, objectives, etc.) and use of resources (finances, community support, etc.).
The local police department hosted a 5k for domestic violence on October 1, 2021 (the morning of our first big event, Welcome Back Bash). This event brings awareness to the growing issue of Domestic Violence, not only in our community, but around the world. The event asked for volunteers or runners. A group of USMVSA members participated in the run. It was free entry but a fee of $20 was charged for those interested in participating. We also provided an option for members to donate to the cause even if attendance was not an option for them.
What efforts were used to motivate and involve the organization's members?
Two executive board members signed up to further encourage our members to join. We offered carpooling and running together as a group. As one executive board member was close to finishing, two members, waiting at the finish line, ran alongside her to push her to the end! <3