vietnamese student association at Louisiana state university
Tiger Cup/Field Day
Provide a detailed description of the event and the population it served. Details MUST include: date of event, number of participants, program purpose (goals, objectives, etc.), use of resources (finances, community support, etc.), marketing techniques, and amount fundraised.
VSA-LSU hosted its first Tiger Cup on April 3, 2022 at the Team Sportsplex in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This program served to replace VSA-LSU’s annual basketball tournament. Due to costly expenses of the basketball tournament fees, Tiger Cup fulfilled as a replacement that showcased its potential as a fundraising event with lower cost rates. The event proved to be a successful test run based on the outcome and feedback from the attendees. Tiger Cup gave the members a chance to enjoy their time outdoors and socialize with other attendees outside of weekly intramural games. The event appealed to a large variety of members as they were able to participate in the games and/or picnic at the park. The members were divided into random groups and participated in a series of competitive games including a relay race and “rat tails”. This allowed attendees to better socialize and interact with new people. In addition, the event created a team-work and leadership promoting environment for the attendees. In the future, this event will serve as a fundraising event for VSA-LSU’s contribution to the CPP. Thus, the winning team would receive an award; however, this year’s award was simply bragging rights. The event was held in a public park that was free of cost, but VSA-LSU intends to rent out part of the park for the next year. Drinks and snacks were provided by one of VSA-LSU’s sponsors who came and joined in on the event. Overall, Tiger Cup proved to be successful in regard to the creativeness, logistics, and feedback of the members.
What inspired your organization to create this new event?
*See above.
What efforts were used to motivate and involve the organization's members?
The marketing techniques that were utilized were advertisements on VSA-LSU’s social media from Instagram to the website, and word of mouth at other VSA’s events. As Tiger Cup was advertised as a competitive event with complimentary food, this was used to motivate members to participate. Furthermore, any VSA-LSU event that occurred prior to Tiger Cup had also advertised the event.
Did the organization overcome any challenges that arose while planning and implementing the event? How?
This event displays how VSA-LSU overcame its challenges of expenses and time conflicts as the basketball tournament was canceled last minute. For example, a tug-of-war rope was very costly and not within the budget for such a game, but VSA-LSU brainstormed and provided multiple games that were equally fun and interactive for all team players without exceeding the budget. Additionally, VSA-LSU had to create a ranking system that allowed all teams to play without going to overtime.